– a family in the Lamiales order –
Here in the St. Louis Area, we have 29 not-too-obscure plants that are in the Plantain Family:
The Plantain Family is currently divided into some 12 tribes. Our St. Louis plants represent 6 of those tribes: ANT = Antirrhineae tribe / CAL = Callitricheae tribe / CHE = Cheloneae tribe / GRA = Gratioleae tribe / PLA = Plantagineae tribe / VER = Veroniceae tribe.
- Bacopa rotundifolia (Disk Waterhyssop) GRA [CC6]
- Callitriche heterophylla (Twoheaded Water Starwort) CAL [CC6]
- Callitriche terrestris (Terrestrial Water Starwort) CAL [CC3]
- Chelone glabra (Turtlehead) CHE [CC8]
- Collinsia verna (Blue-Eyed Mary) CHE [CC7]
- Gratiola neglecta (Clammy Hedgehyssop) GRA [CC4]
- Gratiola virginiana (Roundfruit Hedgehyssop) GRA [CC8]
- Kickxia elatine (Sharpleaf Cancerwort) ANT [intro]
- Leucospora multifida (Obi-Wan Conobea) GRA [CC3]
- Linaria vulgaris (Butter and Eggs) ANT [intro]
- Nuttallanthus canadensis (Canada Toadflax) ANT [CC3]
- Nuttallanthus texanus (Texas Toadflax) ANT [CC3]
- Penstemon digitalis (Foxglove Beardtongue) CHE [CC3]
- Penstemon pallidus (Pale Beardtongue) CHE [CC5]
- Plantago aristata (Largebracted Plantain) PLA [CC1]
- Plantago cordata (Heartleaf Plantain) PLA [CC10]
- Plantago elongata (Slender Plantain) PLA [CC1]
- Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain) PLA [intro]
- Plantago major (Broadleaf Plantain) PLA [intro]
- Plantago rugelii (Blackseed Plantain) PLA [CC0]
- Plantago virginica (Virginia Plantain) PLA [CC1]
- Veronica anagallis-aquatica (Water Speedwell) VER [intro]
- Veronica arvensis (Corn Speedwell) VER [intro]
- Veronica hederifolia (Ivyleaf Speedwell) VER [intro]
- Veronica peregrina (Purslane Speedwell) VER [CC0]
- Veronica persica (Bird’s-Eye Speedwell) VER [intro]
- Veronica polita (Gray Field Speedwell) VER [intro]
- Veronica serpyllifolia (Thymeleaf Speedwell) VER [intro]
- Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver’s Root) VER [CC7]
[CC] = Coefficient of Conservatism