
– a family in the Ranunculales order –

Here in the St. Louis Area, we have 7 not-too-obscure plants that are in the Poppy Family. They are listed here by their distinctive subfamilies:

Subfamily Papaveroideae:

  • Sanguinaria canadensis (Bloodroot) [CC5]
  • Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine Poppy) [CC7]

Subfamily Fumarioideae:

  • Corydalis aurea (Scrambled Eggs) [CC3]
  • Corydalis flavula (Yellow Fumewort) [CC3]
  • Corydalis micrantha (Smallflower Fumewort) [CC4]
  • Dicentra canadensis (Squirrel Corn) [CC9]
  • Dicentra cucullaria (Dutchman’s Breeches) [CC6]

[CC] = Coefficient of Conservatism