
– a family in the Poales order –

Here in the St. Louis Area, we have 94 not-too-obscure plants that are in the Sedge Family:

  • Bulbostylis capillaris (Hair Sedge) [CC]
  • Carex aggregata  (Glomerate Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex albicans  (White-Tinge Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex albursina  (White-Bear Sedge) [CC9]
  • Carex amphibola  (Eastern Narrowleaf Sedge) [CC3]
  • Carex annectens  (Yellow-Fruit Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex austrina  (Southern Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex bicknellii  (Bicknell’s Sedge) [CC8]
  • Carex blanda  (Eastern Woodland Sedge) [CC2]
  • Carex brevior  (Short Beak Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex bushii  (Bush’s Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex careyana  (Carey’s Sedge) [CC9]
  • Carex caroliniana (Carolina Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex cephalophora  (Oval-Leaf Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex conjuncta  (Soft Fox Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex crawei  (Crawe’s Sedge) [CC10]
  • Carex crinita  (Fringed Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex cristatella (Crested Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex crus-corvi  (Ravenfoot Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex davisii  (Davis’ Sedge) [CC3]
  • Carex digitalis  (Slender Woodland Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex eburnea  (Bristle-Leaf Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex emoryi  (Emory’s Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex festucacea  (Fescue Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex frankii  (Frank’s Sedge) [CC2]
  • Carex glaucodea  (Blue Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex gracilescens  (Slender Looseflower Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex granularis  (Limestone-Meadow Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex gravida  (Heavy Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex grayi  (Gray’s Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex grisea  (Inflated Narrowleaf Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex hirsutella  (Fuzzy-Wuzzy Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex hirtifolia  (Pubescent Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex hitchcockiana  (Hitchcock’s Sedge) [CC9]
  • Carex hyalinolepis  (Shoreline Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex hystericina  (Porcupine Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex jamesii  (James’ Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex leavenworthii  (Leavenworth’s Sedge) [CC3]
  • Carex lupulina  (Hop Sedge) [CC9]
  • Carex lurida  (Shallow Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex meadii  (Mead’s Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex mesochorea  (Midland Sedge) [CC3]
  • Carex molesta  (Troublesome Sedge) [CC3]
  • Carex muehlenbergii  (Muhlenberg’s Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex muskingumensis  (Muskingum Sedge) [CC9]
  • Carex normalis  (Greater Straw Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex oligocarpa  (Richwood’s Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex pellita  (Woolly Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex pensylvanica  (Pennsylvania Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex radiata  (Eastern Star Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex retroflexa  (Reflexed Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex rosea  (Rosy Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex scoparia  (Pointed Broom Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex shortiana  (Short’s Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex sparganioides  (Burr-Reed Sedge) [CC5]
  • Carex squarrosa  (Squarrose Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex stipata  (Stalk-Grain Sedge) [CC4]
  • Carex texensis  (Texas Sedge) [CC3]
  • Carex tribuloides  (Blunt Broom Sedge) [CC3]
  • Carex typhina  (Cattail Sedge) [CC7]
  • Carex umbellata  (Parasol Sedge) [CC6]
  • Carex vulpinoidea  (Common Fox Sedge) [CC3]
  • Cyperus accuminatus (Taper-Tip Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus bipartitus (Shining Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus echinatus (Globe Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus erythrorhizos (Redroot Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus esculentus (Chufa) [CC]
  • Cyperus lupulinus (Great Plains Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus odoratus (Rusty Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus refractus (Reflexed Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus squarrosus (Awned Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Cyperus strigosus (Straw-Colored Flatsedge) [CC]
  • Dulichium arundinaceum (Three-Way Sedge) [CC]
  • Eleocharis acicularis (Needle Spike-Rush) [CC]
  • Eleocharis compressa (Flatstem Spike-Rush) [CC]
  • Eleocharis obtusa (Blunt Spike-Rush) [CC]
  • Eleocharis palustris (Common Spike-Rush) [CC]
  • Eleocharis quadrangulata (Square-Stem Spike-Rush) [CC]
  • Eleocharis tenuis (Slender Spike-Rush) [CC]
  • Fimbristylis autumnalis (Slender Fimbry) [CC]
  • Fimbristylis puberula (Hairy Fimbry) [CC]
  • Kyllinga pumila (Low Spike-Sedge) [CC]
  • Lipocarpha micrantha (Small-Flowered Halfchaff-Sedge) [CC]
  • Schoenoplectus acutus (Hard-Stem Club-Rush) [CC]
  • Schoenoplectus fluviatilis (River Club-Rush) [CC]
  • Schoenoplectus pungens (Three-Square Club-Rush) [CC]
  • Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (Soft-Stem Club-Rush) [CC]
  • Scirpus atrovirens (Dark-Green Bulrush) [CC]
  • Scirpus cyperinus (Cottongrass Bulrush) [CC]
  • Scirpus georgianus (Georgia Bulrush) [CC]
  • Scirpus pendulus (Rufous Bulrush) [CC]
  • Scleria ciliata (Fringed Nut-Rush) [CC]
  • Scleria pauciflora (Few-Flowered Nut-Rush) [CC]
  • Scleria verticillata (Low Nut-Rush) [CC]

[CC] = Coefficient of Conservatism