Asteraceae (Cichorieae tribe)
(as-tr-AY-see-ee / sik-KOR-ee)
– a family in the Asterales order –
Here in the St. Louis Area, we have 22 not-too-obscure plants that are in the “Chicory” tribe of the Aster Family:
- Cichorium intybus (Chicory) [intro]
- Hieracium gronovii (Gronovius’ Hawkweed) [CC4]
- Hieracium longipilum (Hairy Hawkweed) [CC6]
- Hieracium scabrum (Rough Hawkweed) [CC7]
- Krigia biflora (Two-Flower Cynthia) [CC5]
- Krigia cespitosa (Common Dwarfdandelion) [CC2]
- Krigia dandelion (Potato Dwarfdandelion) [CC6]
- Krigia virginica (Virginia Dwardandelion) [CC3]
- Lactuca canadensis (Wild Lettuce) [CC3]
- Lactuca floridana (Woodland Lettuce) [CC3]
- Lactuca saligna (Willowleaf Lettuce) [intro]
- Lactuca serriola (Prickly Lettuce) [intro]
- Nabalus altissimus (Tall White Lettuce) [CC5]
- Nabalus asper (Rough White Lettuce) [CC7]
- Nabalus crepidineus (Nodding Rattlesnakeroot) [CC9]
- Pyrrhopappus carolinianus (Carolina Desert Chicory) [CC0]
- Sonchus asper (Spiny Sowthistle) [intro]
- Sonchus oleraceus (Common Sowthistle) [intro]
- Taraxacum erythrospermum (Redseeded Dandelion) [intro]
- Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) [intro]
- Tragopogon dubius (Yellow Salsify) [intro]
- Tragopogon porrifolius (Salsify) [intro]
[CC] = Coefficient of Conservatism